Monday, January 31, 2011

Dress Your Baby for Super Bowl

Your baby will be the star of the party in these football-themed leg warmers from BabyLegs.

You can put them on the little legs or arms and mix and match with different outfits. Plus, no more cumbersome diaper changes or accidents. BabyLegs leg warmers make diaper changes and going on the potty a breeze! And for most-dedicated fans, we have a Sports Fan BabyLegs sock gift set.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Baby Gift Ideas: Cute Baby Clothes Bouquets

Going to a baby shower or a birthday party? Make your gift memorable with an adorable baby clothes bouquet. Let your imagination run wild by adding little 'extras' made from cute baby accessories and more. Here are a couple of  videos that will help you master the art of baby clothes bouquet making. Have fun!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Impromptu chalk Fest or Your Baby's Development and Art

It was such a gorgeous day yesterday! And since the weather has been kind of yucky lately, Jules and I didn’t waste our time. We grabbed a box of colored chalk and wobbled outside for some art and fun in the sun. (Jules was doing all the wobbling)

Jules is more into abstract art lately.
Jules is wearing leggings from this HavenBaby Square Neck Tunic Set

But she was nice enough to help me with my ‘realistic’ chalk drawing.

According to Kathy Rywolt, director of Red Brick School in Barrington, "Giving your child materials she can squish or manipulate can help build fine motor skills and creativity." Drawing helps your tot to improve his hand-eye coordination as well as learn how to make choices. In addition, you can teach your munchkin colors while also having tons of fun. So, doodle away with your little cupcake!

Need ideas for some fun crafty things to do with your tot? Then check out this article about crafts for toddlers on!