Thursday, March 10, 2011

Online Shopping Safety Tips

You have probably noticed that we love love LOVE online shopping. It's fast, convenient and you get the best deals if you spend a few minutes looking for coupons or special offers. But how do you keep your private information secure and prevent fraud? In their post yesterday, Cool Mom Tech provided 5 awesome online shopping safety tips.  Here they are:

  1. Look for the lock (here they refer to the "s" after "http" at the top of your web browser once you move into payment options part of the site)
  2. Make strong passwords
  3. Use familiar sites
  4. Check your statements. Yes, all of them.
  5. Think mobile (in our opinion, this is not as much of a safety tip as of online shopping tip)
  6. We have to add: Always read Privacy Policy and Returns & Exchanges Policy on the site you are buying from. It might seem like a lot of work, but once you have established relationships with several online retailers, you will be confident that your personal and credit card information is safe and you can easily get your money back for unwanted items. Look for online stores that do not share your personal information with third parties and make it easy for you to return/exchange items in case a mistake was made.
Here, at My Little Jules we collect only the type of personal information necessary to complete your order and maintain friendly relationships with our customer. We never sell or share your personal info with third parties. We also make it super easy for your to return or exchange unwanted items and provide prepaid shipping labels on most items you wish to return or exchange. If you want to read the post on Cool Mom Tech, just click here. Or follow these links to check out our Privacy Policy and Returns and Exchanges Policy.

And don't forget to share your online shopping safety tips in our comments section!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

BabyLegs Leg Warmers - Great Gift on a Small Budget

By Tatiana
BabyLegs leg warmers were featured today on babble's Family Style blog as a recession-friendly gift. Birthday parties and baby showers didn't get canceled because of the bad economy. And we all have to think outside the box when budgets are tight and invitations just keep coming. Here's why I think BabyLegs leg warmers make such an amazing gift:

  1. They are unique
  2. They are super cute
  3. They put smile on your face
  4. They are functional (quick & easy diaper changes)
  5. They last for a very long time (one size fits most)
  6. They are great for potty training
We have a great selection of BabyLegs leg warmers on So come see for yourself how adorable and affordable they are!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Celebrity Baby Fashion Alert: coats are in

When loving parents Alyson Hannigan and Alexis Denisof took their cute baby girl Satyana out for some tea in Santa Monica, Calif. on March 1, they dressed her in a trendy baby jacket. As spring air starts to warm up, a light jacket or coat is perfect for a fun day outside with your tot. Look for a coat that is lightweight and comfy but will keep your babe warm during chilly evenings. We have few cute Zutano baby and toddler coats in the store. And guess what, they are now on sale! Check them out below. You can click on the one you like to view it on

Zutano - Pool Terry Baby Bodice Jacket
 Zutano - Chocolate Terry Baby Bodice Jacket

 Zutano - Navy Terry Toddler Jacket (also available in chocolate)

Zutano - Fuchsia Terry Toddler Bodice Jacket

 Zutano - Chocolate Terry Baby Jacket (also available in navy)

Zutano - Pool Terry Toddler Bodice Jacket

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How to Remove Common Stains From Kids Clothes - Part 2

By Tatiana
In How to Remove Common Stains From Kids Clothes - Part 1 I talked about how to recover cute kids’ clothes from ketchup, mustard, blood and grass stains. In this post I will provide proven tricks and tips on getting rid of other common stains.

Baby Food. Besides other ingredients, baby food contains proteins that cause most of the staining on cute baby clothes, so it’s important to treat those first. On fresh stains, use a spoon or a napkin to remove extra baby food. Be careful not to rub the stain in, however. If the stain is already dry, use a dull knife or a brush. Once the excess is removed, rinse or soak in cold water. Then gently sponge or soak the garment in cool water using a detergent that contains enzymes or chlorine-free color-safe bleach. You can also make a 50/50 mixture of hydrogen peroxide and cool water, apply it directly to the stain and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. Rinse and wash regularly in cold or warm water.

Baby Formula. We have baby formula stains on pretty much all of Jules’ baby clothes. It’s because I didn’t know these tricks back then. There are a few things you can do if you get formula on baby clothes. If it’s white, put a good amount of lemon juice on the stain and let it sit in the sun for 2-3 hours. For other fabrics, use any detergent containing enzymes. Enzymes will break down proteins that cause staining. Apply detergent directly to the stain, sponge it using cool water and let it soak for some time. Once you are done pretreating the garment, wash it regularly in cool or warm water. Make sure not to use hot water or iron stained clothes, as it will cook the proteins and make the stain much harder to remove. Use chlorine-free color safe bleach if possible.

Face Paint. You will have a better chance at removing face paint stains, if you catch them early. To cure the stain, submerge the garment in cool soapy water or apply vegetable/glycerin soap directly on the stain. Using thumbs and forefingers gently rub the stain in rolling motions to release the paint out of the fabric. Change water or rinse and reapply soap as many times as needed until the stain is almost gone. For really tough face paint stains, try soaking overnight or using color-safe bleach. Wash regularly in cold or warm water.

Poop. Yuck! I wish I never had to deal with those. But since we use cloth diapers, poop stains are hard to avoid. There are a few different things you can do. First of all, do not use hot water or iron on poop stains! This will set the stain and chances are it will stay for good. The first method is to rinse the stain thoroughly with cool water and then lay the garment out in the sun for a few hours. Supposedly sunlight gets poop stains out like magic, but I’ve never tried this method (I probably should since we are in FL). Another method is to pre-wash the stain with detergent that contains enzymes or soak it in cool water with Oxy Clean. Then wash regularly in cool or warm water using detergent with enzymes or color-safe bleach. Repeat, if necessary.

Happy laundering!

In my next post I will talk about removing Chocolate, Gum, Cough Syrup and Juice Stains. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please leave a comment blow.