Our nanny is away for a couple of weeks and this means, we have Jules all to ourselves. While Peter was answering phone calls and packing orders today, Julia and I had had some much needed 'mommy and me' time. It's been a while since the two of us spend some quality time together and it reminded me of the days when Peter had his 9-to-5 job and I was staying home with baby Julia and doing a little bit of consulting here and there. Golden days!.. I remember being so eager to get back to work, start school, get out of the house. Little did I know that between working, and studying, and traveling I would miss out on a few important steps in my daughter's life. Steps like learning the difference between hot and cold, making first friends and picking a favorite (for now) color. Sometimes, when work is especially intense, I sit down with Jules in the evening and wonder, do I really know her as well as I used to? Or is she just getting bigger, smarter, more... complex? In any case, today I promised myself that every day I'll try to get to know my daughter a little better. Jules and I had a blast playing around at Gymboree, enjoying a cup or tee/juice and a blueberry scone at Starbucks and watching the waves at Safety Harbor marina. Jules wore lovely Daisy Print Sundress and Panty set by Le Top, and I was overwhelmed with mommy love in me as we walked down Main Street in our quite down town.